This dweller decree (20.09) “I Cast Out the Dweller on the Threshold!” is a step-up from the first judgment call dictated by beloved Jesus. The decree on the dweller is for the binding and casting out of the entire conglomerate of the carnal mind coiled in the centre of the electronic belt.
The dweller on the threshold is the focal point of the consciousness behind the human creation—the mind behind the manifestation. This term has been adopted by the Brotherhood because it conveys the meaning that it sits at the threshold of self-awareness where the elements of the subconscious cross the line from the unconscious to the conscious world of the individual, and the unknown not-self becomes the known. Once surfaced, the dweller has entered the realm of the conscious will where, through the decision-making faculties of mind and heart, the soul may choose to “ensoul” or to slay the components of this antithesis of his Real Self.
Before giving this decree you should invoke the protection of your Tube of Light, and give calls to Archangel Michael and the Violet Flame.
Join with Elizabeth Clare Prophet doing this decree 3 times.
by Jesus Christ
In the name of my beloved Mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self,
Archangel Michael and the hosts of the LORD, in the name Jesus Christ,
I challenge the personal and planetary dweller-on-the-threshold, and I say:
You have no power over me! You may not threaten or mar the face of my God
within my soul. You may not taunt or tempt me with past or present or future, for
I AM hid with Christ in God. I AM his bride. I AM accepted by the LORD.
You have no power to destroy me! Therefore, be bound! by the LORD himself.
Your day is done! You may no longer inhabit this temple.
In the name I AM THAT I AM, be bound! you tempter of my soul. Be bound! you
point of pride of the original fall of the fallen ones! You have no power, no
reality, no worth. You occupy no time or space of my being. You have no power
in my temple. You may no longer steal the Light of my chakras. You may not
steal the Light of my heart flame or my I AM Presence.
Be bound! then, 0 Serpent and his seed and all implants of the sinister force, for
I AM the Son of God this day, and I occupy this temple fully and wholly until the
coming of the LORD, until the New Day, until all be fulfilled, and until this
generation of the seed of Serpent pass away.
Burn through, 0 living Word of God!
By the power of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, in the name Brahman:
I AM THAT I AM and I stand and I cast out the dweller.
Let him be bound by the power of the LORD'S host! Let him be consigned to
the flame of the sacred fire of Alpha and Omega, that that one may not go out
to tempt the innocent and the babes in Christ.
Blaze the power of Elohim! Elohim of God - Elohim of God - Elohim of God
Descend now in answer to my call. As the mandate of the LORD - as Above, so
below - occupy now. Bind the fallen self! Bind the synthetic self! Be out then!
Bind the fallen one! For there is no more remnant or residue in my life of any, or
any part of that one.
Lo, I AM, in Jesus' name, the victor over Death and Hell! (2x)
Lo, I AM THAT I AM in me - in the name of Jesus Christ - is here
and now the victor over Death and Hell!
Lo! it is done. (3x)
Copyright © 1983, Summit Publications, Inc
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