Aired (December 4, 2022): Tom (Raheel Bhyria), Iggy (Sean Lucas), Grant (Allen Ansay), and Santi's (Vince Maristela) friendship will be put to the test because of the girl they like. Can the lantern that they built together help them?
Watch 'Daig Kayo ng Lola Ko' Sundays at 7:00 PM on GMA Network. This episode of “Carol Parol” stars Sofia Pablo, Allen Ansay, Sean Lucas, Michael Sager, Raheel Bhyria, and Vince Maristela. #DaigKayoNgLolaKo
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Daig Kayo Ng Lola Ko: Carol Parol (Full Episode 1)
GMAGMA PlaygroundDaig Kayo Ng Lola Ko Carol ParolCarol Parol Full Episode 1vertical:entertainmentgenre:children'sformat:full episodesource:etctype:digitalseries:Daig Kayo Ng Lola Kotopic:Carol ParolEpisode 1fantasykidschildren's storykuwentong pambatakids showfairytalechristmas storyperson:Sofia Pabloperson:Allen Ansayperson:Sean Lucasperson:Michael Sagerperson:Raheel Bhyriaperson:Vince Maristelalocation:Philippineslanguage:Filipino