Pet Tunes is the music channel for all your pet needs.
Pet Tunes uses sound repetitive rhythms and key notes designed to relax and calm your pet. If you pet has sleeping problems or anxiety problems or is even stressed during fireworks, you should try our music. It will calm your guinea pig, rabbit, dog, cat, hamster... in other words, any species!
Use music in order to help your pet instead of opting for medication. Pet Tunes music has helped thousand of animals worldwide to sleep and reduce their anxiety overall.
If you have a new pet and you are introducing him or her to their new home or training, Pet Tunes is perfect and will be extremely helpful in these anxiety inducing and stressful situations. Although this is all a part of bringing up a pet, we will try to make life easier for you and your precious furbaby! Other cases where Pet Tunes can help is in the car, some animals become nervous when being driven, or even if your pet suspects that they are on the way to vets, get the YouTube app on and play it in the car to keep your pet happy and calm all the time.
Music for hamsters, guinea pigs, horses, cats, dogs, rabbits, gerbils, birds, pigs and more.
Relaxing Music for Your Rabbit
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