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Accountants academy is a commercial training development institute, a pioneer in practical accounting for two decades can effectively implement APAT (Accounting Practical Aptitude Test) successfully in this field. We are a team of professional experts, businessmen and company secretaries who understand changing trends of accounting world and can fulfill the quest of persons who wishes to enter into the amazing world of accounting we focus in imparting practical knowledge to everyone approaching us with wide variety of courses at various levels of accounting.
Every career option requires a particular aptitude combination that should match with individual’s potential ability to grow with that career. We have an expert panel of professionals to assess the real aptitude in an individual who approaches us experts can guide to choose their right career path. Key skills are identified and groomed accordingly. In reality a filtration process is done for a student having high level achievement target in his mind in the field of accounting.
Contact us If you like to choose a right career path for you in the field of Accounting.
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