This 13-year-old boy was bought by Rajasthan Royals in the IPL Auction for a huge price. Vaibhav Suryavanshi from Bihar started playing cricket at the age of 4. Seeing his talent, his father got him enrolled in a cricket academy at the age of 9. At just 12 years old, he began his career by playing in the Vinoo Mankad Trophy in Bihar. In this tournament, he scored around 400 runs in just 5 matches. In January 2024, at the age of 12, he also became a part of Bihar's Ranji Trophy team. This was a huge achievement, as legends like Sachin Tendulkar and Yuvraj Singh made their first-class debuts at the age of 15. In September 2024, Vaibhav became a part of India's U-19 team. He is also set to play in the U-19 Asia Cup in the UAE. Recently, he was shortlisted for the IPL 2025 auction. On the second day of the IPL auction, Rajasthan Royals bought Vaibhav for ₹1.1 crore. With this, he became the youngest player in IPL history to secure a deal.
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