"Kamchatka bears. Life begins." A great documentary work produced by Irina Zhuravleva, involved to protect the environment, and by the nature documentary studio "Lesfilm". Irina introduces us to the life of the brown bears in their natural paradise: Kamchatka. “We wanted to show how amazing, intelligent, beautiful, emotional brown bears are. Then we wanted to open this world of the brown bear family to the audience and to show how amazing the mother-bear is, how protective she is, how gentle she is and what's happening for a whole year of the brown bear cubs”.
This is a video of the web-tv Veggie Channel: [ Ссылка ]
Director: Massimo Leopardi, Julia Ovchinnikova
Editor: Julia Ovchinnikova
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Now the producer Irina Zhuravleva has already launched a new production: "The Ancient Forest". This time the heart of the documentary will be the great ancient forests of Russia. The "Lesfilm" studio is searching for funding, collaboration and coproduction opportunities. It will also start the crowdfunding campaign in January. Follow the news: [ Ссылка ]
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