Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the Phase 1 of the state-of-the-art Maharishi Valmiki Airport in Ayodhya Dham. The airport has been developed at a cost of more than Rs 1450 crore. The airport’s terminal building will have an area of 6500 sqm, equipped to serve about 10 lakh passengers annually. The facade of the Terminal Building depicts the temple architecture of the upcoming Shri Ram Mandir of Ayodhya. The interiors of the terminal Building are decorated with local art, paintings & murals depicting the life of Bhagwan Shri Ram. The terminal building of Ayodhya airport is also equipped with various sustainability features like insulated roofing system, LED lighting, rain water harvesting, landscaping with fountains, water treatment plant, sewage treatment plant, solar power plant and many other such features have been provided to meet GRIHA - 5 star ratings. The airport will improve connectivity in the region, leading to a boost in tourism, business activities and employment opportunities.
#narendramodi #ayodhya #ayodhyaairport #rammandir
#pmmodi #modi #pmmodiroadshow #ramtempleayodhya #rammandir #ayodhya #ayodhyarammandir.
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