The story starts with Hinawa leaving her home in Tazmily Village to visit her father Alec, along with her two children Lucas and Claus. After a few days, Hinawa and her children start their walk back home just as a mysterious group of uniformed men wearing pig masks takeover the forest nearby. On the trip home, Hinawa is killed by a reptilian creature called a Drago that the Pigmasks have used as a guinea pig for cyborg tests. When Hinawa's husband, Flint, finds out, he goes berserk and begins attacking other villagers. He is knocked unconscious and arrested. Claus goes to Flint in jail, giving him a tool to escape. Flint visits the grave of Hinawa when Tessie tells him that she saw Claus walk away from the place and when she shouted for him he gave Tessie a nervous smile and ran away. Lucas rushed to Flint, telling him that Claus had a knife and was going to kill the Drago all by himself. Claus went missing after that day.
Claus could have sworn that the last person he saw before entering the forest was his mom, Hinawa.
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