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They also are doing a DON Promo where every $50 spent gives you a free OP02 Shanks Don!!
Thank you to Noa for being on the video! Check out his channel and our other metagame videos here:
► @ytnoach
► OP04 Asia Championship Meta Report:
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► OP-03 Tierlist Video:
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Asyrafchazz is Singaporean based creator, who is extremely addicted to all things GEEK-related. An avid fan of Magic the Gathering, One Piece and Pokemon, he aims to share some of his addictions on this humble slice of this platform. Asyrafchazz also streams on twitch, and loves doing box openings for all TCGs out there!
[OP-04] LEADER TIERLIST (ft. @ytnoach)
one pieceone piece card gamehow to play one piece card gameone piece card game box openingone piece alternate artsbig mom leaderop-03 alternate artsop-04 metagameST-10 full decklistOne Piece ultimate deckultimate deck openingST-10 openingone piece st-10GEAR 5 LUFFYMANGA RARE G5 LUFFYOP-05op-05 special raresOP-05 MANGA RARESone year one piece card gameoda signature cardluffyoda signed cardOP-04 Tierlistop-04 best decks