Kangana Ranaut has fallen for a parody video of Qatar Airways CEO Akbar Al Baker on Twitter. The spoof video went viral after a man called Vashudev posted a video of himself calling for ‘#BycottQatarAirways’ amid the Islamic nation’s response on Prophet insult. Reacting angrily to the parody, Kangana called Qatar Airways CEO an 'idiot of a man' for bullying 'poor' Vashudev. Meanwhile, the spoof video has caused a storm on the internet. The video, full of sarcasm, has garnered over 1.5 million views. Netizens even went on to say that the video maker deserves an Oscar. Watch this video to know more.
#KanganaRanaut #QatarAirways #QatarAirwaysCEO #AkbarAlBaker #SpoofVideo #BycottQatarAirways #Vashudev
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