Škripac je završni sistem zatezanja rukohvata koji služi planinarima kao pomoć na strmim i skliskim terenima. Radi se na slijedeći način:
1. Na posljednje sidrište rukohvata postavimo gurtnu ili zamku i ukopčamo karabiner. U karabiner ubacimo uže.
2. Na dovoljnoj udaljenosti između predzadnjeg i zadnjeg sidrišta, da je moguće zategnuti (napeti) cijelu dužinu rukohvata, napravimo vodički čvor (osmicu) u koji obavezno umetnemo karabiner.
3. Slobodni kraj užeta također ubacimo u karabiner.
4. Uže i cijeli rukohvat zategnemo u smjeru posljednjeg sidrišta te vrškovima prstiju stisnemo mjesto gdje uže obavija karabiner, da se ne otpusti.
5. Dok držimo uže čvrsto uz karabiner, slobodnom rukom radimo improvizirani čvor. Povlačimo poluovoj kako bismo dobili dvostruki pramen dovoljno dugačak za izradu dva sigurnosna čvora. Zategnemo i maknemo ruku s karabinera.
6. Pridržavamo sva tri užeta koja čine škripac, dvostruki pramen užeta improviziranog čvora obavijemo oko sva tri užeta u smjeru u kojem je uže izašlo iz improviziranog čvora.
7. Napravimo dva sigurnosna čvora u istom smjeru i zategnemo.
I am not sure what's the correct name for this kind of knot but it is the part of handhold made by hikers as helping mechanism during passing over steep and slippery slopes. Be aware that this is only last part of so-called handhold and is perfect for tightening the rope. Here is the way how to do it:
1. On the last fixed point of handhold (tree) we put short rope or nylon sling. Inside the sling we plug in carabiner and insert the long rope of handhold into the carabiner.
2. Next we have to pick the distance between two fixed points (trees) that should be long enough so we can tension the rope. We make Figure 8 on a Bight Knot on a desired distance and put a carabiner into it.
3. Free arm of the rope should be inserted into the carabiner as well.
4. Now we have to hold the rope tight and pull it with our body weight toward the last fixed point. Holding the rope in position as hard as we can, we move toward the carabiner catching the part where the free rope arm adjoins the carabiner.
5. While holding the rope tightly to carabiner, with free hand we have to make improvised knot. Improvised knot should be pulled out until it is long enough. It is ok if it is around 1m (3 feet). We tighten the improvised knot up and remove the hand from the carabiner.
6. We hold all three parts of rope that go out from the carabiner while rotating the improvised knot around the ropes. Rotation direction should be done easily, without breaking up the rope in unnatural direction.
7. In that rotation we have to make Double Bowline Knot. And that's it! :)
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