Episode 3 in a short series on the Biography of the medieval pipe organ. In this video the evidence for early medieval organs will be discussed and how they were incorporated into the church. The video provides what remains in the archaeological record and within historical documentation, and discusses the different types of organs that once existed in Jerusalem, Malmesbury, Reichenau and Winchester.
Thank you for watching and please Subscribe for Part 4.
#churchorgan #organ #medieval #church #liturgy #Organum #De Virginitate
#Clogher #Reichenau #monastic #Malmesbury #Winchester #bellows #pipes #keys #stops #archaeology #history #Pulsator Organorum #Utrecht Psalter #Winchester Troper #Europe #England #wind chest
Part 3: Early Medieval Organs
archaeologyarchhistorychurch historymusic historyorganchurch organinstrumentutrecht psalterorganumwinchesterwinchester cathedralmalmesbury abbeyclogherreichenau abbeypepin IIIDe Virginitatepulsator organorummedieval musicmonksliturgyearly medievalexcavationanthropologydigging historychest organpipe organkeysslidersstopsenglish churchjerusalemtablatureorgan depictionorganistwinchester troperneumessaxonnormancastle music