The Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser experiment is debunked. The secret is the beam splitter. No magic, no retro causality, it is just a trick. Once you understand what the beam splitter does, you can understand the experiment.
In this video I will explain you the details, and how the quantum eraser really produces the interference patterns. I also explain that this does not violate quantum physics. Although, for some interpretations there might be some issues...
The solution to the Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser is... known physics
Original experiment: Young et al., (Kim, Yoon-Ho; R. Yu; S. P. Kulik; Y. H. Shih; Marlan Scully (2000). "A Delayed "Choice" Quantum Eraser". Physical Review Letters. 84 (1): 1–5)
links to the films of my favourite you-tubers:
- [ Ссылка ] - FermiLab
- [ Ссылка ] - PBS Space Time
- [ Ссылка ] - Joe Scott
- [ Ссылка ] - Arvin Ash
Thanks to Patrick Edwin Moran for the use of the quantum eraser image.
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