Soul of Steel, a groundbreaking annual adventure series, launched by the Indian Army and C.L.A.W. Global, commenced on January 14, 2023, with a resounding purpose: to ignite adventure tourism, foster skill development, self reliance and promote entrepreneurship in the Himalayan borders of India. In the presence of the Hon'ble Defence Minister of India, Shri Rajnath Singh, this momentous endeavor was launched.
In this unparalleled opportunity, 23 exceptional individuals are chosen to undergo an arduous training regimen, pushing the boundaries of human potential in the world's first high-altitude skill and endurance challenge. These participants strive to embody the epitome of discipline and intensity, shattering existing benchmarks and leaving an indelible mark on the tapestry of the human spirit.
They face the unforgiving ice craft, master the treacherous art of glacier negotiation, and delve into the intricacies of rescue operations. Through relentless training, they will emerge as #Aatmanirbhar individuals—self-reliant and unyielding.
This initiative encompasses a grand vision for C.L.A.W. Global that transcends boundaries and explores the vast realm of human potential under the Human Ability Biomes, catering to the entire gambit of human potential, people with disabilities to Olympic athletes. Key operational verticals under the Human Ability Biome include:
Adventure Tourism
Skill Development & Education
Research & Development
The culmination of the Soul of Steel Himalayan challenge is scheduled on June 18, a day of triumph and celebration. Together, we exalt the resolute spirit and resilience of our nation, forged in the crucible of adventure, self reliance and endurance.
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