Pemerintah mengadakakan operasi pasar untuk mendistribusikan minyak goreng curah ke pedagang di pasar tradisional Kosambi, Bandung, Jawa Barat, untuk menstabilkan harga minyak goreng di pasar. Sekitar 8.000 liter minyak curah didistribusikan di tiga pasar tradisional.
Dengan membawa jeriken plastik kosong, ratusan pedagang mengunjungi lokasi pembagian minyak goreng curah. Tidak ada batasan bagi para pedagang untuk membeli minyak goreng curah yang dijual dengan harga 10.500 rupiah.
The government has organized a market operation to distribute bulk cooking oil to sellers at Kosambi traditional markets in Bandung, West Java to stabilize the price of cooking oil in the market. A total of 8,000 liters of bulk cooking oil distributed in three traditional markets.
While carrying empty plastic jerry cans, hundreds of sellers visited the location of the distribution of bulk cooking oil. There was no limitation in purchasing affordable bulk cooking oil that was sold at 10,500 rupiah per liter.
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