A beautiful sunny morning so time to roll out the solar scope and catch another timelapse. Still can’t get over the views we get with amateur equipment and software.
After a tour of the whole disc, I settled down to watch this prominence for over an hour. Amazing to watch this in real time from the shed (timelapsed in the video below).
A few patches of thin cirrus caused the brightness to vary hence the flickering effect at the beginning.
All the workflow is from this video: [ Ссылка ].
High resolution imaging of solar prominence. Stacking images together to make a timelapse.
Scope: Lunt 60mm
Camera: Player One Saturn M
Mount: AZEQ6
x2 barlow
Capture: FireCapture
Stacking: AutoStakkert
Sharpening: ImPPG
#solar #solarimaging #sunspots #prominence #lunt
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