NEET-PG 2024 Latest News | REVISED CUT-OFF | Zero Percentile possible?? | Latest Update!
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(Neet pg Counsellor)
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YouTube Channel : / @nscxeducation
Calling Number :- +91- 7742727811
1-Guidance & help in preparation of documents for counselling and admission process.
2-Thorough guidance from the date of pre-application process till the date of admission.
3- Help you to choose the suitable branch for aspirants according to their willingness.
4- Help in filling up preference forms. All India Counselling, State Counseling.
5- Guidance in selecting colleges & branches according to the current scenario.
6- Candidates can meet me personally for personal counselling.
7- Queries and doubts are solved on mobile through calls, whatsapp, video call & messages.
8. We provide choice filling preferences for all rounds.
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