00:00 - Intro
01:15 - The Unique Role of Rimfire in the Self-Defense Landscape
02:54 - Advancements in Rimfire Ammunition
03:57 - Who Should Consider Rimfire for Self-Defense?
04:52 - Breaking Down the Best Rimfire Options
06:45 - Rimfire Handguns: Matching the Firearm to the Ammo
07:35 - Making Rimfire Work for You
08:25 - Final Thoughts: A Place for Rimfire in Self-Defense
DISCLAIMER: Our videos are strictly for documentary, educational, and entertainment purposes only. All shooting is performed on state-approved firing ranges under the supervision of trained professionals. Imitation or the use of any acts depicted in these videos is solely AT YOUR OWN RISK. All work on firearms should be carried out by a licensed individual, and all state and federal rules apply to such. We (including YouTube) will not be held liable for any injury to yourself or damage to your firearms resulting from attempting anything shown in any of our videos. We do not endorse any specific product, and this video is not an attempt to sell you a good or service. GunAndMan is not a gun store and DOES NOT sell or deal in firearms. Such a practice is heavily regulated and subject to applicable laws. GunAndMan DOES NOT sell parts, magazines, or firearms. We are not instructing our viewers on how to modify firearms, accessories, or otherwise to change their basic legal function. These videos are free to watch, and if anyone attempts to charge for this video, notify us immediately. By viewing or flagging this video, you are acknowledging the above.
Fair Use: In the rare instance we include someone else’s footage, it is covered in Fair Use for Documentary and Educational purposes to drive commentary and allow freedom of speech.
Top 5 Lethal 22 Rounds for Self Defense
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