To think life prepares you for one moment. One opportunity. A minute where every experience you've ever had really comes into play. Where everything you do is really important…………….as important as…… and death.
Louis Chevrolet had such a moment—And in fact, plenty of it! He had been racing all his life but in 1905, the "Three Miles" would be his first opportunity on American soil.
It's either Ride or Die! Now or Never! Louis had no business winning, but when he did, he shocked the entire nation.
His victory made him a star! But then, that's the thing with stars, the brighter they shine, the closer they are to obliteration.
What I'm about to tell is how one man became an overnight sensation but later on, the guy NOBODY wanted to be like…………in one lifetime.
#Chevrolet #LouisChevrolet #chevrolet
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