고위당정청 정부조직 개편방안: 통상교섭본부 설치와 중소벤처기업부 신설키로
The Moon administration unveiled its plan to re-structure state ministries and agencies to reflect its policy goals.
It was given a warm reception during the first meeting of senior officials from the ruling party, the government, and the presidential office.
Shin Se-min has the full story.
A new blueprint for the government.
Senior officials from the ruling Democratic Party, the government and the top office, agreed on a plan to reorganize the structure of the administration.
The plan includes turning the existing SME Business Administration into a new ministry to help support small- and mid-sized enterprises and venture startups,... a move the president had promised since his campaign.
The goal is to help the nation create more jobs through SMEs and better cope with tougher global competition.
The proposal also keeps the job of trade negotiations under the existing Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy,... but includes plans to set up a dedicated trade bureau under it,... allowing for more effective responses to a rapidly changing trade environment,... currently faced with the spread of protectionism.
It also states the chief of the trade bureau will be officially at vice-minister-level,... but referred to as minister.
As for public safety, Korea's fire service and the Coast Guard,… currently under the Ministry of Public Safety and Security, will be made independent.
For science development,… there will be a new "science technology innovation" bureau set up under the existing Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.
All this,... to help revitalize the economy, improve public safety and have the government structure reflect social changes.
With that,... the new plan will reorganize the government into 18-ministries, 5-affiliate ministries and 17-independent agencies,... a minimal change,... so that the government will be able to quickly get into action and stabilize state affairs.
"With this,… the 299 lawmakers at the National Assembly will now have more administrative affairs on their plate to review,… in addition to other major issues like the extra budget plan and confirmation hearings ... as the new government blueprint will also require parliamentary approval this month.
Shin Se-min, Arirang News.
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