The 6-axle MultiMAX PA-X low loader: extendable, with ramps, pendle-axles and excavator trough. With its 6-axle MultiMAX PA-X low loader, Faymonville has a vehicle that makes the transport of heavy machines and loads easier and more profitable. Discover all the details on [ Ссылка ]
FAYMONVILLE MultiMAX PA-X - Compact! Low! Fast!
FaymonvilleMultiMAXexcavator troughextendable loading platformrampshydraulic goosenecklow pendle-axlesPA-XBaggermuldeLöffelstielmuldeRadladerKettenbaggerDumperpelleteuseBauconstructionbouwPendelachsenessieux pendulairesfosse pour bras de pellehydraulischer SchwanenhalsgieksleufProfit maximisation per kilometrecompactlowfastfaymonville group