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Videographer / Editor :
Matt Brundige
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Politicians scream about unity, in our age of terrorists and talking heads always looking for an opportunity
To divide us. To pit us against one another,
To try and make us hate each other.
If you are not a Christian and you don't know what we are all about I'll do my best.
But there is one thing we really need to put to rest.
It's not us versus them, that's not what Jesus is about,
He came to serve, not to be served, we can rest in the city of God, because HE was cast out.
It's us FOR them, no matter the cost.
We live our lives, for the sake of the lost,
Because we used to be a part of that crowd.
We were once lost and dead but now we are alive and FOUND!
So Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Mormon, Atheist, I don't hate you, I love you; because He gave His life for me I can now give my life for you,
And pray you see that Jesus is the one making all things new.
Including people, just like you and me
Who He has finally given the eyes to see,
That we are all created in His image.
No matter what we look like, where we came from, or whether or not we're privileged.
God is gathering people from every tribe, tongue and nation,
It's the goal of creation the universal call of salvation!
Repent, believe look at what God has achieved!
One diverse body. One chosen race. One royal priesthood. All by His grace.
One holy nation. HIS treasured possession. One family.
A blood bought humanity.
We are a nation of freed slaves, purchased to follow the only One who saves!
AND THAT is what unity is all about.
I'm sorry for whatever you heard out of some politicians mouth.
They don't speak for us, neither does any
Sugar coated, motivational, anti-Jesus prosperity preacher.
We already have the perfect Teacher.
HE leads by example, and prayed things like this
Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do,
As they drove the nails into His wrists.
Jesus is the solution to our sinful separation,
In Him there is no condemnation we are witnessing the restoration of our WORLD.
There will be peace and unity, and Jesus will reign.
And forever we will sing, worthy is the LAMB WHO WAS SLAIN.
JESUS = UNITY | Spoken Word |
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