"A doom metal album of a game. A spiked flail to the face. Light on rules, heavy everything else."
MÖRK BORG (or Mork Borg) is the award-wining "doom metal RPG" from Stockholm Kartell & Free League Publishing. In the wake of the OGL scandal, I know many of you guys are looking for an alternative to Dungeons & Dragons 5e -- so I hope you find this deep dive review useful.
About PaladinProse
If you're into running your own campaign, homebrewing, hacking, game designing, story structuring, or just playing really fun games of Dungeons & Dragons (or any other tabletop RPG), then you've found a great place to stop and rest for a while.
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TAGS: mork borg, mörk borg, ttrpg, game master, free league publishing, stockholm kartell rpg, cy_borg, cy_borg rpg, mork borg rpg review, mork borg rpg book, mork borg rpg, how to play mork borg, ockult ortmastare games, d&d ,dnd, dungeons and dragons, ogl 1.1, d&d alternatives, best rpgs that arent d&d, best ttrpg, mork borg tutorial, mörk borg how to play, mork borg explained, osr rpg reviews, osr rpg systems ,old school renaissance, doom metal, dnd module ,dnd adventure
Mork Borg Deep Dive! [OSR RPG Review]
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