In late 1994, two ISRO scientists in Thiruvananthapuram, including Nambi Narayanan, two Maldivian women and two businessmen from Bengaluru were arrested by the Kerala Police on charges of spying. They were accused of having sold drawings of ISRO rocket engines, and passing on technology, to Pakistan. The Intelligence Bureau (IB) stepped in and began interrogation in the high-profile case. In December, the case was handed over to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). The Intelligence Bureau had spoken of a grand design of espionage, but the CBI found no evidence in any of the charges. The courts accepted the CBI report and discharged the accused. Nambi Narayanan, who retired from ISRO, is now fighting to get a just compensation for his suffering and to hold accountable the IB and Kerala Police officers responsible for it. Watch now and read the full story in ET Magazine, this Sunday (June 17).
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