In this joyous prayer-song titled 'Break The Chains' - composed by TB Joshua and sung by the Emmanuel TV Choir - worship God and witness your chains falling in the name of Jesus!
Break the chains in your life
Not by power not by might
By the Spirit of the Lord
Break the chain
Break the chains of affliction
Oh oh
Break the chains of sorrow
Oh oh oh
Break the chains of poverty in your family
Oh oh oh
Break the chains of trouble
Oh oh
Break the chains of curses
Just break the chains
Can you hear the chains falling in the name of Jesus
I can hear the chains falling in the name of Jesus
Can you see the chains falling in the name of Jesus
I can see the chains falling in the name of Jesus
Chains have fallen
Let me rejoice with you
Chains have fallen
Come on rejoice with me
My chains have fallen
I can see the chains falling in the name of Jesus
"Break The Chains"
Written by T.B. Joshu
BREAK THE CHAINS!!! Original Song Composed By TB Joshua)
TB JoshuaEmmanuel TVDeliveranceHealingDemon PossessionSupernaturalParanormalEvil SpiritsPractical ChristianityMiraclesMiraculousViewers PrayerMorning WaterProphecyPersonal ProphecyTB Joshua ProphecyTB Joshua DeliveranceTB Joshua PrayerProphet TB JoshuaWorld ProphecyTB Joshua MiracleTB Joshua Viewers PrayerTB Joshua Prayer For ViewersTB Joshua NigeriaTB Joshua CrusadesPowerful PrayerAnointed PrayerAnointingrosemary obieze