Here's a little something I put together on the kubing jaw harp and suling flute - Southeast Asian instruments with prominence in the Philippines and Indonesia. I hope you enjoy it! I really enjoy sharing these projects based on our cultural heritage. Sharing love from the Philippines!
Perhaps part of the inspiration was recently watching Disney's Raya and the Last Dragon and ofcourse, the rising need to pushback against Asian hate crimes.
A Song from Southeast Asia - Kubing and Suling
Sulingsuling flutekubingjaw harpkarindingPhilippinesPilipinasIndonesiaIndonesianMalayFilipinoPhilipinoPinoySEAsoutheast asiasoutheastasiaasianmusiccultureculturaltraditionalcordilleraluzonvisayasmindanaoigorotmanobolumadtibolikutyapikudyapiethnomusicologyethnictribalOPMnaturemeditationrelaxingbamboocanebamboo flutemorchangdan moikubyzjew's harpvarganocarinatin whistlelow whistlewhistleirish flutecelticRayaDragondisneysouth