Speaker: Stephen Bright
Saturday 4 December 2010
Entheogenesis Australis Conference
Melbourne, Australia
Synopsis: I work as a psychologist within the Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) field, referred to by psychiatrists as addiction medicine. In 2010, I presented a paper at the annual Australasian Professional Society on AOD (APSAD) conference entitled "An End to the Embargo on Human Psychedelic Research: A Chemical Sojourn". This provided me with an opportunity to objectively discuss entheogens with my colleagues, the majority of whom tend to hold negative beliefs regarding these plants and chemicals that are consistent with the dominant Australian culture.
Bio : Stephen Bright is a Psychologist and Research Fellow with the Victorian Department of Health. He is a PhD candidate at Curtin University, where he has also coordinated the Addiction Studies program for the past 4 years. Stephen has published papers on topics including: the trans-theoretical model, psychotherapy, and drug legislation.
----- Disclaimer -----
The opinions offered here are not those of EGA directly, but rather of the speakers themselves. No matter how well informed you are, many of these substances remain risky without the proper preparation and setting and are still currently against the law in Australia. The information on our channel is not presented to encourage drug use or endorse illegal activity of any kind, but rather to offer a broad array of counterpoints to the mainstream notion that any and all use of psychedelic plants, entheogens and sacraments is detrimental to the mind, body and society at large. EGA supports a fact-based approach towards drug use, research and policymaking. We hope you find this information beneficial.
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Stephen Bright: Taking Entheogens to the Masses
Psychedelic ResearchDrug PolicyEntheogenesis AustralisStephen BrightEntheogensPsychedelicEGAGarden StatesEthnobotanyPsychoactiveAltered statesAustraliaPsychoactive plantsPsychedelic researchConservationEnvironmental sciencesPsilocybinMDMAAyahuascaLSDDMTPsychedelic societyCultivationPropagationPlant sharingEthnobotanical researchEnvironmentNatureNaturalCritical thinking