The Yutong E12s,imported from China,have been in service on Service 15.Being a 100% electric bus,the bus features charging ports to charge your portable devices.It is henceforth,more effective to be deployed on longer routes like 15.
However in November 2020,all of the Go Ahead Singapore feeders were transferred to Pasir Ris feeder services like 354,358 and 359.They were ineffective as passengers would hardly ever use the charging ports due to the short travel time.Many people voiced out to LTA about this matter and to put these eco-friendly buses on longer routes like 34 or even 518.
Finally,they have arrived on Service 3,another long trunk service plying Pasir Ris and Punggol via Tampines.The journey time between both interchanges is 2 hours,making it more user friendly.
Other Yutong E12s:
Filmed on 5 April 2021.
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