British comedy CHUBBY FUNNY follows Oscar (Harry Michell) as he moves to London with best friend Charlie (Augustus Prew) to try and make it as an actor. Giving himself a year, he struggles when he ends up waylaid repeatedly by the same old problems: friendships, flings and finding fulfilment. Say what you like, but it's tough being Chubby Funny.
Written & Directed by: Harry Michell
Harry Michell, Augustus Prew, Isabella Laughland, Asim Chaudhry, Olivia Ross, Alice Lowe, Julian Rhind-Tutt, Anna Maxwell Martin, Jeff Rawle, Jack Cooper Stimpson, Jemma Redgrave and Dave Benson Phillips.
Chubby Funny - released in select cinemas 30th June 2017.
Twitter: @chubbyfunnyfilm
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