Part 3 - Camellia reticulata
Camellia reticulata is a species original from Yunnan China. The first introduction of C.reticulata was made by the East Indiaman skipper, Captain Rawes, in 1820, who brought back from China an unnamed camellia, which he gave to Thomas Carey Palmer of Kent, England, where it flowered in 1826.
Here we show a few cultivars in the Villa Anelli collection:
C. reticulata 'Mary Williams'
C. reticultata 'Captain Rawes'
C. reticulata 'Crimson Robe'
C. reticulata ' William Hertrich'
Camellia reticulata is very difficult to propagate and the we suggest to reproduce them by seed. Growing by seeds you need to wait for the flowering, but with reticulatas you can have good results in shape, dimension and colour.
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