In July 2024, a terrifying and highly unusual incident took place in the waters off the coast of Spain. Robert Powell, a seasoned sailor, found himself caught in a two-hour battle with one of the ocean's most intelligent—and most feared—predators: orcas. But this wasn't your typical whale encounter. No, this was a calculated and aggressive attack by a group of orcas that would eventually sink Powell's yacht, Bonhomme William, and leave the crew fighting for their lives.
#orcaencounter #killerwhales #orcas
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Our mission is to raise awareness about wildlife risks while educating viewers on how to stay safe in the wilderness. With each episode, you’ll not only be on the edge of your seat but also gain valuable insights into how to respect and navigate the natural world responsibly. From shocking shark attacks to harrowing bear encounters, Fierce is where adventure and education meet.
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