"The War on Drugs" is a thought-provoking "Short Film" that examines the history, impact, and consequences of the decades-long war on drugs. The film explores the origins of the war on drugs, the escalation of drug prohibition, and the devastating effects on communities, families, and individuals.
"Lost Promise" is a heart-wrenching story about a bright and promising student, NITIN, who succumbs to drug addiction, leading to a tragic end. His parents, are left grappling with guilt, helplessness, and the devastating loss of their son.
Nitin, a high-achieving college student, is initially introduced to drugs by his peers as a means to cope with academic pressure. However, he soon finds himself entangled in a vicious cycle of addiction, despite his parents' efforts to intervene.
As Nitin's addiction worsens, his relationships deteriorate, and his academic performance plummets. His parents, desperately wanted to save their son, but Nitin's addiction proves too powerful.
The film culminates with Nitin's tragic death, leaving his parents shattered and questioning what they could have done differently. Through their grief, they come to realize that addiction is a disease that requires compassion and understanding, rather than stigma and shame.
"War On Drugs" raises awareness about the dangers of drug addiction, the importance of early intervention, and the need for support and resources for families affected by addiction. The film serves as a poignant reminder of the devastating consequences of addiction and the importance of addressing this critical issue.
Genre: Drama, Social Issue, Tragedy, Awareness,
Target Audience: Parents, educators, and young adults
- Emotional performances by the lead actors.
- Heart-wrenching scenes depicting the consequences of addiction.
- Contrast between Nitin's early promise and later decline.
- Emotional, thought-provoking, and haunting
- The devastating consequences of drug addiction
- The helplessness of loved ones
- The importance of compassion and understanding
- The need for early intervention and support
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