Please Subscribe to Chappy's Tiki Bar #shorts
Tiki culture initially extended to decorate themed bars and restaurants, catering to Americans' views of the South Pacific. Featuring Tiki carvings and complex, alluringly named alcoholic drinks, it eventually influenced residential recreation. It became one of the primary ways, although indirectly, that New Zealand culture influenced that of the United States. Beginning in California in the 1930s and then spreading around the world, Tiki culture was inspired by the sentimental appeal of an idealized South Pacific, particularly Polynesia, as viewed through the experiences of tourists and Hollywood movies, incorporating beautiful scenery, forbidden love, and the potential for danger.] Over time, it selectively incorporated more cultural elements (and imagined aspects) of other regions such as Southeast Asia. While the decor and ambiance at these establishments largely draws from Polynesian influences, the cocktails are inspired by the tropical drinks and ingredients of the Caribbean.
Please Subscribe to Chappy's Tiki Bar #shorts
Chappy's Tiki BarChappy's Tiki Bar shortsSouth PacificTiki carvingsTiki culturedecorate themed bars and restaurantscatering to Americansalluringly named alcoholic drinksNew Zealand culture influencedidealized South PacificPolynesiaPolynesian influencescocktails are inspired by the tropical drinks and ingredients of the Caribbeanthe cocktailsCaribbeanSoutheast AsiaPolynesian