#ACL #aclrehab #aclsurgery #kneesurgery
Back with Theo at 5.5 Weeks where we are focusing in on his squat.
We are aiming for good alignment of his knee over his foot: in his case he will need to increase his hip strength and external rotation control just as much as his knee to stop it rolling in. The band helps well with this, as well as putting him on a BOSU for instability training. He also has to work on 50/50 weight shift and not loading the good leg too much.
The banded RDL helps teach him lumbar stability and hip hinging along with the much needed hamstring strengthening following the graft surgery. Theo has never really done deadlifts before so he is doing well with the technique over the last week - but he will need to focus on each rep and set for a long time to ingrain that motor programming that some of us take for granted.
We also work on single leg training with the BOSU balance and the step down toe taps in preparing for more single leg squat work coming up in the next few weeks.
Stay tuned for Week 7 coming up!
For the ACL rehab program he is currently doing head to physiorehab.com
Physio Fitness | Physio Rehab
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Squatting after ACLR Surgery | Tim Keeley | Physio REHAB
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