Selenium 4 Relative Locators
Description:- These videos will help to learn selenium 4 new concepts features, selenium 4 new changes practically.
Selenium 4 We will explore Relative Locators (formerly called Friendly Locators)
The purpose of Relative Locators is to find a specific element regarding the position of another element.
There’s a total of 5 overloaded methods with an option of 2 parameters.
We can use the By locator parameter or WebElement element parameter.
relative locators in selenium,above,below,near,toRightOf,toLeftOf
relative locators in selenium 4,
selenium 4 relative locators,
selenium 4 new locators,
selenium locators,
selenium locators with examples,
selenium locators tutorial,
selenium locators and methods,
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locators in selenium webdriver,
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selenium 4,
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selenium 4 architecture,
selenium 4 relative locators
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