0:00 Dr. Pepper Wings
1:00 Dr. Pepper BBQ Sauce
1:30 Extra Crispy
2:19 The Perfect Screwdriver
2:30 Grey Goose Vodka
3:00 Mookie
Dr Pepper is the “oldest major soft drink” in the U.S. It was invented in 1885 at a drugstore in Waco, Texas. As to the name: “Wade Morrison, the drug store owner, named it ‘Dr. Pepper’ after Dr. Charles Pepper, a Virginia doctor who was the father of a girl Morrison was once in love with.” Now, keep in mind this is from the official Dr Pepper corporate website. But if it’s to be believed, then Dr Pepper is almost certainly the only soda brand named after the father of an ex-lover.
Dr Pepper is definitely one of the more mysterious sodas. First of all, it’s opaque, which automatically makes it more intriguing than Sprite or ginger ale, which are literally transparent, seemingly hiding nothing. But even in the dark soda category, Dr Pepper holds an air of the unknown. Root beer, birch beer, cream soda, and their ilk all have names describing what they are. Even Coca-Cola, which has its own share of mystery, is so ubiquitous that even if we don’t know exactly what it’s made up of, “Cola-Cola flavored” is close enough, and at least we know that “cola” is the name of a flavor.
All right, let’s cut to the chase: What are the whole 23?
As you might imagine, Dr Pepper’s parent company is cagey about revealing the exact combination of flavors used. While soda sleuths have made strong deductions about what they believe the 23 flavors to be, the list has never been confirmed by the company. The best guess, according to allrecipes, is: amaretto, almond, blackberry, black licorice, carrot, clove, cherry, caramel, cola, ginger, juniper, lemon, molasses, nutmeg, orange, prune (there it is!), plum, pepper, root beer, rum, raspberry, tomato, and vanilla.
Dr. Pepper Wings #wings
Dr. Pepper WingsDr. PepperwingsbuffalowingsrecipebuffalowingshotwingswingPepper BBQ SauceDr. Pepper BBQ SauceDIY BBQ SauceBBQ Sauce recipeExtra CrispyThe Perfect ScrewdriverGrey Goose VodkaMookieoldest major soft drinkinvented in 1885drugstore in Wacowhat is Baptist BeerRoot beerbirch beercream sodasoda23 flavorsamarettoalmondclovecherrycaramelgingerjuniperlemonmolassesnutmegorangepruneColaIma PepperI am a Pepper