FREE Stop My Skin Rashes Now eGuide -
Despite what you've probably read online, the spit test is pointless
(In case u aren't sure what it is, u spit in a glass of water to determine if u have #candidaovergrowth based on how ur spit reacts)
It can't tell u anything❌
If u suspect too much #candidaalbicans in ur system, there are better tests
Be aware - testing can produce FALSE negative results!
Fungal bugs typically live in ur small intestines (a region that's difficult to test for what ultimately would be Small Intestine Fungal Overgrowth (#SIFO))
Even if tests look CLEAR...
But u have a history of yeast infections, mold exposure or u have rashes in those fungal hotspots I talked about a few days ago
The tests might be WRONG❌
That's why working with a practitioner who understands that testing isn't perfect + looks at ur complete case is so important 🎉
1. Stool testing
2. Organic acid test (urine) - looking specifically at fungal waste products and/or high oxalates
3. IgG reactivity to yeast
Also, having oxalate crystals or kidney stones + uric acid elevations can be other signs of #candida
REMEMBER ▶️ testing isn't perfect
#autoimmunity #autoimmunedisease #skinproblems #skinrashes #eczemawarrior #chronichives #atopicdermatitis #soootired #chronicillness #eczemadiet #gutproblems #itchyskin #itchyskinproblems #rosacea #dandruff #foodsensitivities #celiacdisease #stomachproblems #psoriasiswarrior #psoriasis #eczema #urticaria #histamineintolerance #candidadiet #leakygut
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