How accessible should your social media be, when it comes to an ex? Coach Mac McCarthy shares his opinion.
In this story, a man wants to know if he is not in a relationship anymore, how accessible should his social media be? Should he block his ex on all social media? Or should he keep some level of contact open?
Listen to Coach Mac McCarthy go through this story and give his advice on it. And, if you have a story you would like to share visit [ Ссылка ] to tell Mac your story and hear his take on it.
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Go to [ Ссылка ] to send in your story and get coach Mac McCarthy's take.
You may also purchase a PRIVATE video response, where you tell the long version of your story and I reply in a private YouTube video not viewable publicly.
Let us know what you think and share your experiences or views about this story in the comments below.
And, don’t forget to hit the LIKE and SUBSCRIBE buttons if you want to hear more breakup tips from Coach Mac McCarthy. Visit his channel here: [ Ссылка ]
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Should I block My Ex On Social Media?
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