A Primal Beast guide that will teach you the timings and mindset needed to stomp your games. Complimented with soothing classical music!
A true gentleman plays Primal Beast with swiftness and cruelty. You must be swift by winning games as fast as possible and cruel for abusing such an oppressive and overpowered hero…
At his core, Primal Beast is a lane stomping and snowballing hero, who can give any hero a run for their money. With this in mind, when playing Primal Beast, the top priority to get consistent wins is to: -
- Stomp your lane and make the laning phase as one sided as possible
- Transition your lane stomp into real pressure that will be felt by the enemy team (Taking towers/hugging the enemy carry/making space)
- Purchase items which make you obnoxious to deal with (BKB/Heart)
- Then win through either brute forcing the enemy team or buying enough time and space for your carry to sweep.
- Most importantly, do not throw your lead! When you’re ahead play clean flowchart DOTA.
Luckly achieving these priorities is genuinely easy (in comparison to other offlane hero’s) for the sole reason being, to put bluntly, PRIMAL BEAST IS OVERPOWERED. And I don’t think that’s a surprise to anyone.
The way his kit works is that you effectively trade health for damage. The more you get hit. The more Uproar stacks you gain. And the more stacks you gain, the worst off your opponents are.
Winning Lane
As I’ve outlined in my guide video, the way to lane is to put your enemy in a position where they are forced to confront you. You do this through creep dragging, pulling and tower diving (but only when you get Vanguard). But what if your opponent refuses to interact with you and not give you stacks? Well, you just deny everything, get a fast Vanguard and then make your opponent’s cry by tower diving!
Post laning phase
Winning lane is not enough to win the game. If you be stagnant and get comfortable with your position in the game (not making any moves), you will lose. It’s as simple as that. The optimal way to play Primal Beast, and most offlaners, is to drag the enemy team into deep waters with your natural lead.
The first priority post level 6 is to make sure that the enemies safelane tower is destroyed. This is very important as it opens the entire enemy jungle for you and your team to invade. The destruction of the safelane tower is so important, that I won’t even play in other areas of the map until that tower is taken down.
Once that tower is taken down, it opens many avenues for you to apply pressure. You can: -
- Shove waves and rinse the jungle to accelerate your farm.
- Locate and hug the enemy carry so they have no breathing room to farm.
- Create a secure space for your carry to safely farm.
- Connect with mid and take down the midlane tower so that your opponents have less space to farm.
- Force enemy TPS so your carry can farm.
- Make space so your team can FARM FARM FARM FARM FARM
I think you get the picture. The best way to put it, is that you’re playing GTA, and you’re trying your best to get a consistent 5 STAR wanted level so that the rest of your team can breathe and farm. And if you do these tasks and the enemies are unable to curb your pressure, they are in real trouble.
Getting Heart/BKB
If the enemy team fails to stop your snowball, buy a Heart of Tarrasque and BKB. Depending on how fast you get this timing, you can often just take Roshan then go for a straight end. You’d be surprised at how many games you can win by just doing this. (Heck I basically just did this non stop to obtain my rank 12 on the hero)
If anyone has any questions feel free to ask, even if they’re just general offlane questions I will be glad to reply. (My Peak was RANK 700 Immortal)
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