"Let's Talk!" is a series of audiovisual capsules created by the National Volunteer Center of the English Opens Doors Program (EODP) of the Division of General Education of the Ministry of Education of Chile. These capsules were designed to develop listening comprehension and oral expression skills of students enrolled in 5th grade in primary school to 4th year in secondary school in Chilean public educational institutions.
The capsules reinforce the content provided by the EODP's English Guides, and both are based on the standards of the English as a Foreign Language program of the National Curriculum. Each capsule contains two videos: in the first, students learn and practice the corresponding vocabulary, and in the second, students learn and practice the corresponding conversational structures including the vocabulary taught in Video 1. You can turn on the English subtitles for both videos. Each capsule is accompanied by an instruction handout, written in both English and Spanish, that serves as a guide for each activity. The capsules and the instruction handouts can be found on the "Aprendo en Línea" website: [ Ссылка ]
"Let's Talk!" es una serie de cápsulas audiovisuales creadas por el Centro Nacional de Voluntarios, del Programa Inglés Abre Puertas (PIAP), de la División de Educación General, del Ministerio de Educación de Chile, destinadas a desarrollar las habilidades de comprensión y expresión oral en inglés de los estudiantes de establecimientos de educación pública chilenos, desde 5° básico hasta 4° medio.
Las cápsulas refuerzan los contenidos de las Guías de Inglés del PIAP, ambos basados en el Currículum Nacional para la enseñanza del inglés como idioma extranjero. Cada cápsula contiene 2 videos. En el primero, se aprende y practica el vocabulario correspondiente. En el segundo, se aprenden y practican las estructuras conversacionales correspondientes, incluyendo el vocabulario del Video 1. A ambos videos se les puede activar la opción de subtítulos en inglés. Cada cápsula va acompañada de un instructivo en inglés y español que sirve de guía para cada actividad. Tanto las cápsulas como los instructivos se encuentran en la página web de "Aprendo en Línea": [ Ссылка ]
Image credits/Créditos de imágenes:
"“Mixed Media Installation by Peter Liversidge: Hello, 2013 (58 Light bulbs, powder coated steel, motion activated sensor)” / Ingleby Gallery / Art Basel Hong Kong 2013 / SML.20130523.EOSM.03963" ([ Ссылка ]) by See-ming Lee (SML) is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0
"handshake line" ([ Ссылка ]) by popofatticus is licensed under CC BY 2.0
"powwow: friendly handshake" ([ Ссылка ]) by woodleywonderworks is licensed under CC BY 2.0
"Berhan Greets a Friend" ([ Ссылка ]) by Rod Waddington is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
"Fist Bumps" ([ Ссылка ]) by WPAUMC is marked with CC PDM 1.0
"Rubbing Noses" ([ Ссылка ]) by Clover_1 is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0
"drive-by namaste" ([ Ссылка ]) by Shreyans Bhansali is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
"File:Portrait photograph at bust length of three Lao girls joining their palms for the Thai greeting, front view, in Don Khon, Laos.jpg" ([ Ссылка ]) by Basile Morin is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
"The Bow" ([ Ссылка ]) by Akuppa is licensed under CC BY 2.0
"Shaka for understanding" ([ Ссылка ]) by drukelly is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0
"Paula flashing the Shaka with Otahuhu prefects" ([ Ссылка ]) by US Embassy New Zealand is marked with CC PDM 1.0
"Shaka!" ([ Ссылка ]) by ewen and donabel is licensed under CC BY 2.0
"Howdy howdy" ([ Ссылка ]) by auggie tolosa is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
"Teenagers playing soccer in the rain" ([ Ссылка ]) by marlon.net is licensed under CC BY 2.0
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