In yet another boost for the Indian Navy, Minister of State for Defence , launched the fifth scorpene class submarine 'Vagir, of Project 75 in Arabian sea , at Mumbai’s Mazagaon Dock,
In order to meet the requirements of the Indian Navy, the Defence public sector undertaking, Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders , was assigned the task, to build six Scorpene-class submarines.
I NS Kalvari, the first of the six Scorpene-class submarines, was launched in 2015 .and commissioned into service ,in late 2017
The Scorpene class of submarines ,can undertake multifarious tasks , typically undertaken by any modern submarine, which include anti-surface ,as well as anti-submarine warfare .Sixth Scorpene submarine 'Vagsheer' is in various stages of outfitting
Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders ,has always been at the forefront of the nation's progressive, indigenous warship building programme.
MDSL, was working with French collaborator Naval Group, on transfer of technology for the submarines, under Project 75
Till date, it has built Leander ,and Godavari class frigates, Khukri class Corvettes, Missile Boats, Delhi and Kolkata class Destroyers, Shivalik class Stealth Frigates, the SSK submarines . and it continues to contribute to the national security, with its P-15 B ,Visakhapatnam class, Destroyers. and the P-17 A, class Stealth Frigatesovernight