Deck the halls with these Hawaiian Christmas rarities from the vinyl record vault of Oliver Twist. Recorded live at AGS Honolulu with holiday DJ decor in full effect.
1. Kalani Bright
2. The Naluai Brothers - Christmas in Hawaii
3. Nohelani Cypriano - Blue Hawaiian Christmas
4. Gail Mack and Nueva Vida - Our Island
5. Marcel and Brian - Christmas In The Islands
6. Maile Aloha Singers - Here's Another Chance
7. John Osorio & Randy Borden - It Won't Be
Christmas Without You
8. Na Kaholokula - Have Yourself a Merry Little
9. The Brothers Cazimero - Little Drummer Boy
10. Brickwood Galuteria - Silent Night
11. The Honolulu Boy Choir and Ed Kenney -
My Hawaiian Christmas
12. Na Mele O Na Opio - Donde Esta Santa
Clause? ( Where is Santa Clause?)
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