Government of India announced the prestigious Padma Awards on January 25, a day ahead of the Republic Day. India celebrates its 75th Republic Day this year. The Padma Vibhushan has been awarded to Konidela Chiranjeevi, Vyjayanthimala, Bindeshwar Pathak (posthumous), Padma Subrahmanyam and M Venkaiah Naidu. The Padma Bhushan has been awarded to singer Usha Uthup and actor Vijaykanth (posthumously) and BJP leader Ram Naik. Chief Justice M Fathima Beevi, the first woman judge of the Supreme Court, will also receive the Padma Bhushan posthumously. Actor Mithun Chakraborty & Bombay Samachar owner Hormusji N Cama will also receive the Padma Bhushan award. Watch the video to know more.
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