Samsung F62 price in India starts at Rs. 23,999. The Samsung Galaxy F62 is a new mid-range smartphone, and only the second model in the recently introduced F series. Samsung is heavily marketing the processing power of this phone since it has used its previous-generation flagship SoC, last seen in the Galaxy Note 10/ Note 10+ for this model which is priced much lower. It's a good move, even though Samsung is playing catch-up to companies such as Realme and Xiaomi, which have been using premium SoCs in mid-range phones for a long time. Still, better late than never.
The Samsung Galaxy F62 is a new mid-range smartphone, and only the second model in the recently introduced F series. The back and frame are built from plastic but this phone still manages to feel sturdy. It's a thick phone at 9.5mm, and it's heavier than the Galaxy M51 at 218g. The highlight of the Samsung Galaxy F62 is the Exynos 9825 SoC. One UI looks slick, switching between apps is snappy, and the phone doesn't heat up with regular use. Games run just fine too. Titles such as CSR Racing 2 and Call of Duty: Mobile look great and run well.
Battery life is another big win for the Samsung Galaxy F62. The 7,000mAh battery easily lasted me close to two full days even with heavy usage, which was impressive.The cameras on the Galaxy F62 have been borrowed from the Galaxy M51 too. All the cameras on the Samsung Galaxy F62 do above-average jobs when shooting in daylight. Low-light performance is a little weak, especially when it comes to videos.
If you want a phone that can easily last for more than a day even with very rigorous usage, you should consider it.
0:00 Introduction
1:05 Samsung Galaxy F62: Pricing
1:27 Samsung Galaxy F62: Design
2:05 Samsung Galaxy F62: Display
2:54 Samsung Galaxy F62: Specifications
3:51 Samsung Galaxy F62: Performance
4:19 Samsung Galaxy F62: Battery
4:56 Samsung Galaxy F62: Cameras
Read our in-depth Samsung F62 review: [ Ссылка ]
Anchor: Roydon Cerejo ([ Ссылка ])
Video Editor: Pankaj Rawat ([ Ссылка ])
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