pulpo! live act - 2steps - 1min sample
painting by Andras Bernat
Ter Tanulmany no.109
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pulpo! live act is
tamas lehoczky - guitars,fx&midi
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trans-hypnotic space-chill, night-noise/dawn-silence, deepwater coloured
psychedelic, minimal-experimental, ambient live act
metastring solo project, occasionally duo or trio with guest musicians
Pulpo means octopus in Spanish.
Pulpo! Live act is basically a solo project with two guitars, lots of effects and a couple of midi controllers. Even eight tentacles is hardly enough for handling these stuff live. This is where the name comes from.
With the following video pulpo was the 7th winner at Native Instruments’ Guitar Rig Hero Video Contest.
This is the video which started the ‘pulpo’ ambient-psychedelic solo project and from 2012 it can be seen live as ‘pulpo! live act’. Had a couple of gigs from then on, just to name a few venues:
A38 Ship, Ultrahang Festival (one of the most important experimental festival in Hungary), Bankito Festival, Harmadik Ember Fesztival, Vizrakter opening and Cökxpon Ambient Café. Sometimes the sets are played with guests, for instance in the last two years I had the opportunity to work with Evelyn Kandech, Peter Homoki, etc.
The always changing live sets are cca. 15-20min long, the base of the sets - the grooves and the guitar themes - is pretty much the same, but controlling the arrangement live on the spot makes all pulpo! live sets unique and unrepeatable.
Just to quote a pulpo! live act fan: “…it’s emotionally unsettling, musically stirring…”
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artfreak music producion&management
(Europe & Overseas)
in Hungarian:
pulpo spanyolul polipot jelent. szólóprojekt. 2 gitár, effektek, midikontrollerek. 8 csáp is alig elég ahhoz, hogy ezt előben levezenyelje valaki. innen a név. ezzel a videóval és a Native Instruments Guitar Rig Hero Contest hetedik helyezésével indult minden.
innen datálható a pulpo! live act nevű ambient-pszichedelikus szólóprojekt, mely 2012 óta aktív élőben is. Látható-hallható volt többek közt az A38 Hajón, az Ultrahang Fesztiválon, a Bánkitó Fesztiválon, Harmadik Ember Fesztiválon a Vizraktér megnyitóján (Tomishiként duóban) és a Cökxpon Ambient Caféban, időnként vendégzenészekkel (Kandech Evelynnel, Homoki Peterrel, stb).
A folyamatosan átalakuló live szettek 15-20 percesek – az alapszerkezetek, groovok és gitártémák adottak, de a pulpo! live act élő vezérlése folytán minden fellépés egyedi és megismételhetetlen.
Egy rajongó szerint „érzelmileg felkavaró, zeneileg megkavaró”.
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