Kill Bill: Volume 1 is a 2003 American martial arts film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino. It stars Uma Thurman as the Bride, who swears revenge on a team of assassins (Lucy Liu, Michael Madsen, Daryl Hannah, and Vivica A.
Shaina West is a real life superhero, with a backstory to rival any Avenger and an alter-ego determined to change the stereotype of black women on screen.
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Jack Retallack (Director)
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Concept Trailer | Kill Bill Vol. III
Kill Bill Vol. IIIkill bill part 3kill bill vol 3kill bill vol 3 trailermma watchKill Bill: Volume 3 Nikki's RevengeTrailerKill Bill Volume 3 TrailerKIll Bill - Kill Bill Vol.3 Trailer 2kill bill vol 3 nikkitarantino moviestarantino interviewquentin tarantino interviewquentin tarantino angryquentin tarantino dunkirkuma Thurman trailerthe samurider black widowthe samurider kill billthe samurider nikkyFranc MoodySkin on Skin