The Simla Agreement, or Shimla Agreement, was signed between India and Pakistan on 3 July 1972 in Shimla, India. It followed from the Civil war in East Pakistan in 1971 that led to the independence of Bangladesh. The treaty was signed in Shimla (also spelt "Shimla") in India by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, the President of Pakistan, and Indira Gandhi, the Prime Minister of India. How did both the leaders agree to reach the agreement in the last moments of three days discussion? This was an intriguing mystery and political observers and analysts mulled over this question for quite some time. Watch this interesting video ,give your precious comments and don't forget to subscribe our channel Black & White.
#shimlaagreement #indiragandhi #zulfikaralibhutto #clausesofshimla
00:00 - Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's visit to USSR
00:37 - Preparations Aims and Objectives of Pakistan
01:11 - Pakistani Territory or Prisoners of war?
01:28 - Indian Objectives at Shimla
02:19 - Arrival of Bhutto at Shimla
02:35 - Extreme cautiousness from both sides
02:57 - Bhutto demands territories
03:09 - Refusal from Indira Gandhi
03:19 - Official level talks
03:30 - Dinner from Indira Gandhi
03:40 - Second day
04:02 - Dead Lock
04:20 - Third day
04:45 - One on One meeting between Indira Gandhi and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
05:07 - Preparation of the text of Final Draft
05:21 - Signature
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Hidden clauses of Simla or Shimla Agreement part 1| Shimla Convention | Shimla Accord | Shimla Pact
Hidden clauses of Simla or Shimla Agreement part 1
Hidden clauses of Simla Agreement part 1shimlaagreementindiragandhizulfikaralibhuttoclausesofshimlaBlack & Whitezaheeruddin babarShimla AgreementIndira GandhiZulfiqar Ali BhuttoIndiaPakistanIndia Pakistan warEast PakistanBangladeshcssShimla ConventionShimla AccordShimla Pact And Lahore AgreementSimla Agreement of 1972What is Simla Agreement?Jammu-KashmirIndian HistoryUPSC/IAS/SSC19711971 India Pakistan WarThe Indo-Pakistani Wars