The two beauties, Manju Warrier and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan arrived at Thiruvananthapuram on 20th October, to inaugurate the new showroom of Kalyan Jewellers. The crowd went gaga seeing the two stunning ladies. Manju Warrier reached Thiruvananthapuram two days prior to the function and was accommodated at the Taj Hotel there. The lady seemed to be very happy after seeing the crowd, who were eagerly waiting for a chance to get a glimpse of her. She mingled with everyone very casually and even expressed her gratitude towards her fans for their support. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan arrived at Thiruvananthapuram on the day of the function. Manju Warrier arrived at the function dressed in a traditional Malayali style. She wore the kasavu set and mundu, and her hair was braided with jasmine flowers. Meanwhile, Aishwarya was spotted in red attire which had a traditional touch. Both the actress wore the ethnic collection of Kalyan Jewellers. It was like a dream come true for many who were present at the function. The two actresses, who were very much adored in their respective industry, enthralled the audience. The security guards found it very difficult to control the huge fans who were assembled at MG Road. The new Kalyan Showroom assures the greatest collection of gold and diamonds. The jewellery worn by Manju and Aishwarya depicted the variety in the ethnic collection of the brand.
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