If through this medium you could send a message to the Apostle of the Lord, what would it be?
This world yet lacks light, but The Light Of The World Church members are working United as One to deliver Light to its four corners, because “the best way for the Truth to shine is to share it” (Apostle SJF).
Podcast: The Light From The Inside
Series: The Footsteps of My Life
Guest Location: Philadelphia, PA
* English podcast: [ Ссылка ]
* Spanish podcast: [ Ссылка ]
* YouTube: [ Ссылка ]
#TLOTW #LLDM #TLFTI #BTL #Honorable #SomosLuz #WeAreLight #HolySupper #SantaCena #SiempreUnidos #LoveUnitesUs #AlwaysUnited
Message for Apostle Naason Joaquin Garcia | #lldm #tlotw
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