During the infamous Kristallnacht, also known as the “Night of Broken Glass,” which spanned from November 9 to 10 in 1938, a violent pogrom was orchestrated by the Nazi regime in Germany against Jewish communities. This horrific event led to the widespread destruction of Jewish properties, including synagogues, homes, schools, and businesses. The brutality of this pogrom resulted in the tragic death of approximately 100 Jewish individuals. In a chilling aftermath, around 30,000 Jewish men were unjustly arrested and forcibly sent to Nazi concentration camps. This marked a significant and terrifying escalation in the Nazi’s systematic persecution of Jews.
More Information:
Kristallnacht. German history. [ Ссылка ]
Kristallnacht. [ Ссылка ]
Kristallnacht: What Happened on the ‘Night of Broken Glass’. [ Ссылка ]
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